In mid April, the Swiss Federal Council and the World Intellectual Property Organisation provided patronage to the 44th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva
The NATO Summit is underway in Warsaw, with Romanias President Klaus Iohannis attending/ Romanian PM Dacian Ciolos analyses with several Romanian MEPs the impact of the Brexit vote, on Romania, the EU member states and the future of the European Union
For the sixth time this year, a terrorist attack with major consequences has recently hit Turkey, leaving dozens of dead and hundreds of wounded.
Local elected officials having received suspended prison sentences will lose their seats, the Constitutional Court of Romania ruled.
Romania's future in the EU discussed by President Iohannis, PM Ciolos and leading politicians
On Monday, Romania's President Klaus Iohannis invited PM Dacian Ciolos, Central Bank Governor Mugur Isarescu and the leaders of the parliamentary parties to meet for anew round of consultations on Brexit.
The official number of Romanian workers in Great Britain stands at about 200 thousand. How will they be affected by Brexit?
A look at the headline-making events this past week
The minister for the relation with the Romanian Diaspora, Dan Stoenescu, assures the Romanians in Great Britain that there is no imminent change in their situation/ Representatives of the six EU founding states met in Berlin on Saturday
Clarifications after visit to Bulgaria by Romanian president Klaus Iohannis.
Next week, Britain votes to leave or stay in the European Union.
At the NATO summit in Warsaw, Romania will plead for more attention to be paid to the Black Sea area, considered crucial for regional and Euro-Atlantic security
The Romanian education sector has long been faced with many problems generated mainly by under-funding. Those problems are well-known, and the entire...
Thousands of teachers took to the streets on Wednesday to protest against a government emergency ordinance on public sector salaries.
Hundreds of people, including political detainess and their descendatns, attended the public unveiling of the monument 'Wings', devoted to the anti-communist dissidents in Romania and Bessarabia.