A resolution by the European Parliament on the rule of law in Romania will be put to vote on Tuesday in Strasbourg, on the same day as the report under the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism for 2018 will be published
Prince Charles has been for years now an ardent promoter of the Romanian region of Transylvania.
Romania and Bulgaria's Schengen accession is again in the limelight
More than 820 million people around the world suffer from chronic malnutrition at present.
The commissioners for regional development and for budget attended top-level conference in Bucharest
On November 1, Romania cuts the VAT rate on tourism services from 9 to 5%
The Superior Council of Magistracy has set the hearing of Romania's Prosecutor General Augustin Lazar on November 13
49% of the Romanians still support their country's EU membership
Romania is currently overpopulated with bears
Romania's president, Klaus Iohannis, is paying a visit to Italy, a visit which has an important economic component
Romanians aged between 16 and 55 can access, under certain conditions, loans guaranteed by the state by up to 80%, including corresponding interest rates and commissions
Cyberspace has gained increasing importance to Euro-Atlantic security in recent years
The Romanian Parliament has passed amendments to the legislation on the status of foreigners in Romania
A draft law on civil partnership will be forwarded to Parliament next week. The announcement was made soon after a referendum to redefine family in the Romanian Constitution was invalidated