A US military helicopter was forced to land in downtown Bucharest
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bucharest has recently hosted an event to mark 40 years since the first spaceflight of a Romanian cosmonaut
A quarter of Romania's population has been vaccinated against Covid-19 so far, and the number of infections has been low for several weeks.
In agreement with its partners in the Alliance, Romania decided to withdraw its forces from Afghanistan
Talks have been resumed in Romania regarding the “Educated Romania project launched by the president 5 years ago
The Venice Commission agrees with the dismantling of the special section investigating criminal offences within the judiciary
Since 1994, Justice Day is celebrated in Romania on the first Sunday in July
Never in the history of Europe have there been more people to enjoy a longer lifespan.
Cîțu government survives no-confidence vote initiated by the Social Democratic Party in opposition.
The centre-right governing coalition in Bucharest is faced with a no-confidence motion, filed by the main opposition party
The last Romanian detachment part of the NATO mission in Afghanistan returned to the country.
As of 1 July, some coronavirus containment measures are being lifted in Romania
The first motion of no confidence in the Romanian Government has been read in Parliament
As of July, Romania and Bulgaria will have limited access to the Schengen digital system
Against an increasingly complex security situation, NATO takes measures to cope with current and future challenges.