A new protest against the policies pursued by the ruling coalition was staged in Bucharest on Sunday evening/ A delegation of the Venice Commission pays a visit to Romania on Monday and Tuesday for consultations on the modifications to the justice laws
The International Theatre Festival in Sibiu, central Romania, is now in its 25th year
Romania tops the classification of countries with the highest number of investigations conducted by the European Anti-Fraud Office - OLAF in 2017.
The Constitutional Court has ruled that the president is to dismiss the chief prosecutor of the National Anti-corruption Directorate
The Senate of Romania approved changes on one-fifth of the provisions in the Code of Civil Procedure.
PM Viorica Dancila goes to Warsaw for government meeting; Presidential Foreign Adviser Bogdan Aurescu met National Security Adviser John Bolton at the White House
The situation of the judicial system and the anti-corruption fight in Romania have been discussed in New York and Brussels
The name of the future mayor of Chisinau, the capital of the ex-Soviet, majority Romanian-speaking Republic of Moldova, will be known after a second round of by-elections
Two celebrations were held on Thursday in Romania: the Ascension of Jesus and Heroes Day
Minister Delegate for European Affairs, Victor Negrescu, has presented Parliament with the first version of a list containing the main themes of Romanias EU Council presidency in the first half of 2019
May 9th has threefold significance for Romanians
A fragile truce was reached on Tuesday between key ministries and trade unions in the healthcare sector
Experts predict that, after the Black Sea extraction work begins, Romania will no longer need to import natural gas from the Russian Federation
Only half a year after the passing away of its last sovereign, King Michael I, Romania now loses one of its few remaining moral authorities
On Wednesday Romanians returned to work, after a few days of having fun during the May Day mini-holiday