End of an era The Romanian political class joined politicians around the world in mourning the demise of Queen Elisabeth II of the United...
A new school year begins under a cloud of uncertainty.
The Romanian government wants to surtax energy companies, saying their profits are very high.
Romania is among the first NATO member states to ratify the accession protocols
Romania's public education system braces up for new changes
Romania has come up with alternatives to curbing its reliance on Russian oil and gas
Click here for the headline-grabbing events of the past week in Romania
To NATO, Russia is no longer a partner, but the most significant and direct threat
The NATO Summit in Madrid is one of the most important meetings in recent years in terms of the results for Romania, president Klaus...
Former Soviet republics Moldova and Ukraine are granted the status of candidates to EU accession.
Romanians' net wealth is going up in statistics, without their standard of living actually improving
Bucharest commemorates 32 years since the so-called “miners raids of June 1990.
Romania is not ready to adopt the European single currency.
While Romania is still to join the euro officially, the single European currency is de facto the country's currency. The Central Bank...
NATO is strengthening its military presence in Romania