Radio Romania 2019 Gaudeamus Caravan reached Timisoara, with the most important Romanian publishers and foreign book distributors presenting their offer.
Today we’re heading west to visit Romania’s third largest city, Timisoara. It is a miniature Europe, if you will, where Romanians, Germans,...
“2021 is just the beginning, in my vision; the beginning of a transformation says Simona Neumann, the executive director of the ‘Timisoara European Capital of Culture 2021 Association.
A day of mourning is kept in Timisoara on Monday, 29 years since the spark of the 1989 Anti-Communist Revolution was kindled in Romania
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With its fine collection of Romanian and European art, the Museum is one of the main attractions in Timisoara.
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Debates on the 2018 draft budget laws continue today in Parliament
On December 20th 1989 Timişoara became the first city in Romania free of Communism.
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