GOVERNMENT - The coalition Government led by Liberal Florin Cîţu was sworn in on Wednesday in an official ceremony held at the Cotroceni...
DESIGNATION - President Klaus Iohannis on Tuesday designated the current Finance Minister, Liberal Florin Cîţu, as the country's new...
The text of a second motion of no confidence against the leftist ruling alliance has been read in Parliament
The executive committee of the Social Democratic Party wants the amendments to the criminal codes to be passed by emergency decree
The Chamber of Deputies of Romania's Parliament passed the draft law on preventing and fighting money laundering and the funding of terrorism
A draft law on civil partnership will be forwarded to Parliament next week. The announcement was made soon after a referendum to redefine family in the Romanian Constitution was invalidated
A review of the most important events that took place in Romania in 2017.
In the Romanian Chamber of Deputies the left-of-center ruling coalition has easily passed the projects aimed at reforming the justice system
For the first time since he took office, Romanian Prime Minister Mihai Tudose on Monday was called on by the National Liberal Partys parliamentary group to elaborate on the state of the economy at “The Prime Ministers Hour in the Chamber of Deputies.