Former Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean Claude Juncker has been confirmed as the next president of the Eruopean Commission.
EU for YOU! That's How the EU Works is an educational project run by the European Parliament jointly with the EC.
The Romanian Foreign Ministry has decided to set up a rapid-response team to provide support for the Romanians in Gaza, including in case they have...
Though not contested in principle, the reduction of the contribution to the social security fund raises questions with regard to its sustainability.
The summer brings with it lots of opportunities to go out to picnics, where barbeques are the norm. Usually, people in Romania grill chicken and...
The first corporate awareness-raising referendum platform was launched in Romania in June.
The shares of Electrica electricity distribution company are now being traded on the London Stock Exchange.
Three years away from the moment Romania was supposed to join the Schengen agreement, no one dares make predictions any more.
Romanians get bombarded every day by e-mails advertising more and more sophisticated courses for gifted children, playing on parents’ wishful...