JUST IN: Joe Biden makes victory speech
Pro-European Maia Sandu got the largest number of votes in the first round of Moldovas presidential election
Election campaign comes to a close, decisive round of presidential ballot starts on Sunday morning
Election campaign continues until Saturday morning; European Parliament closes hearings of Commissioners-designate
The presidential election campaign continues in Romania until Saturday morning
A roundup of the main stories this week
Central Electoral Bureau announced the final list of candidates in Novembers presidential election
The registration of presidential candidates has concluded in Romania
The registration of presidential candidates has concluded in Romania
Osama bin Laden's son and major al Qaeda figure, Hamza bin Laden, has been killed, White House confirms
Helsinki hosts Eurogroup, ECOFIN meetings; George Enescu Festival continues
September 15 is the last day when the Romanians who live abroad may submit their preferences for voting in the presidential election
Romanian diplomatic personnel to be repatriated from Kabul as soon as possible