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Petro Poroshenko

Ukraine upon the promulgation of the new Education Law
Today in the News 26.09.2017

Ukraine upon the promulgation of the new Education Law

Ukrainian president, Petro Poroshenko has promulgated the controversial Education Law

Ukraine upon the promulgation of the new Education Law
April 12, 2016
Newsflash 12.04.2016

April 12, 2016

A roundup of domestic and international news.

April 12, 2016
Pro-European parties win Ukrainian elections
Today in the News 27.10.2014

Pro-European parties win Ukrainian elections

Ukrainian voters “powerfully and irreversibly supported the countrys path to Europe, says president Petro Poroshenko

Pro-European parties win Ukrainian elections
Ukraine and Europe
Today in the News 24.06.2014

Ukraine and Europe

The EU has stepped up its pressure on Moscow, which with the specter of tougher economic sanctions looming large, is now ready to contribute to implementing Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenkos peace plan.

Ukraine and Europe
Presidential Elections and the Future of Ukraine
Today in the News 26.05.2014

Presidential Elections and the Future of Ukraine

Ukraine has a new president, but its problems are yet to be solved.

Presidential Elections and the Future of Ukraine


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