The 16 members of Ludovic Orbans Liberal cabinet take over their ministries./ ACUM bloc led by the pro-European prime minister Maia Sandu wins most seats in the second round of local elections in the Republic of Moldova.
The capital city of Moldova Chisinau will decide its future mayor in the second round of local elections
A roundup of some of the main stories in Romania today.
Russia has reconfirmed its readiness to withdraw ammunition from Moldovas separatist region of Transdniester.
Investigations continued on Monday in the Caracal murders
Romania has been, is, and will continue to be the most constant and dedicated supporter of the Republic of Moldova, Romanias president Klaus Iohannis told Moldovas new prime minister Maia Sandu during her visit to Bucharest.
Romania handed over presidency of the Council of the European Union to Finland./ Parliament meets this week to discuss election legislation.
Romanias rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union has come to an end, with Finland taking over on 1 July.
Established on part of the eastern Romanian territories annexed by the Soviet Union in 1940 following an ultimatum, the Republic of Moldova continues to occupy a special place on Bucharests agenda.