Beijing in China is these days seeing the Winter Olympics 2022, which kicked off with a curling competition on Wednesday. Training for the...
Most Romanians believe that in Romania things are going in the wrong direction. Even so, more than half say they would not leave the country
Click here or the main developments in Romania over the past week
In Romania, where the state of emergency is in force until May 15th, authorities have issued a fresh military ordinance
President Iohannis invites political parties to consultations over new cabinet
The Government of Romania and its Western partners have diverging views on the much-debated reform of the Romanian judiciary
According to the Constitutional Court, Romania does not offer any form of official and juridical recognition of same sex couple relationships, UN General Assembly under way in New York
Constitutional Court of Romania postpones discussing certain notifications for autumn, Legal cooperation between Romania and Germany
Romanian officials renew call on the Ukrainian authorities in relation to education law, Multinational drills organized by the Romanian Naval Forces