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International Women’s Day
Today in the News 08.03.2024

International Women’s Day

On March 8th Romania marks International women’s day

International Women’s Day
November 4, 2023 UPDATE
Newsflash 04.11.2023

November 4, 2023 UPDATE

Click here for a roundup of domestic and international news

November 4, 2023 UPDATE
Constant support for the Republic of Moldova
Today in the News 22.06.2023

Constant support for the Republic of Moldova

The Romanian Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu made his first foreign visit to Chișinău.

Constant support for the Republic of Moldova
June 13, 2023 UPDATE
Newsflash 13.06.2023

June 13, 2023 UPDATE

Click here for a roundup of domestic and international news

June 13, 2023 UPDATE
June 9, 2023
Newsflash 09.06.2023

June 9, 2023

Click here for a roundup of domestic and international news

June 9, 2023
May 26, 2023 UPDATE
Newsflash 26.05.2023

May 26, 2023 UPDATE

Click here for a roundup of domestic and international news

May 26, 2023 UPDATE
May 26, 2023
Newsflash 26.05.2023

May 26, 2023

A roundup of local and international news

May 26, 2023
An all out strike is freezing Romania’s undergraduate education system
Today in the News 22.05.2023

An all out strike is freezing Romania’s undergraduate education system

Romanian students are having a day off as their teachers have gone on an all out strike

An all out strike is freezing Romania’s undergraduate education system
May 14, 2023
Newsflash 14.05.2023

May 14, 2023

A roundup of local and international news

May 14, 2023
The special pensions reform under the scrutiny
Today in the News 12.05.2023

The special pensions reform under the scrutiny

The so-called special pensions is an unpleasant issue on the agenda of the government in Bucharest

The special pensions reform under the scrutiny
May 10, 2023 UPDATE
Newsflash 10.05.2023

May 10, 2023 UPDATE

Click here for a news roundup

May 10, 2023 UPDATE
The European Cybersecurity Competence Center in Bucharest
Today in the News 09.05.2023

The European Cybersecurity Competence Center in Bucharest

Romania will be hosting the headquarters of a major EU agency – the European Cybersecurity Competence Center

The European Cybersecurity Competence Center in Bucharest
May 8, 2023
Newsflash 08.05.2023

May 8, 2023

Click here for a roundup of domestic and international news

May 8, 2023
Government to save more money
Today in the News 24.04.2023

Government to save more money

The government in Romania is expected to announce soon a series of measures aimed at curbing public spending

Government to save more money
Tensions running high over issue of abuse of office
Today in the News 30.03.2023

Tensions running high over issue of abuse of office

Regulating the abuse of office, a proposal voted by the senators of the ruling coalition sparks off a wave of criticism.

Tensions running high over issue of abuse of office


Muzeul Național al Țăranului Român Muzeul Național al Țăranului Român
Liga Studentilor Romani din Strainatate - LSRS Liga Studentilor Romani din Strainatate - LSRS
Modernism | The Leading Romanian Art Magazine Online Modernism | The Leading Romanian Art Magazine Online
Institului European din România Institului European din România
Institutul Francez din România – Bucureşti Institutul Francez din România – Bucureşti
Muzeul Național de Artă al României Muzeul Național de Artă al României
Le petit Journal Le petit Journal
Radio Prague International Radio Prague International
Muzeul Național de Istorie a României Muzeul Național de Istorie a României
Radio Canada International Radio Canada International
Muzeul Național al Satului „Dimitrie Gusti” Muzeul Național al Satului „Dimitrie Gusti”
SWI swissinfo.ch SWI swissinfo.ch
Strona główna - English Section - polskieradio.pl Strona główna - English Section - polskieradio.pl
creart - Centrul de Creație Artă și Tradiție al Municipiului Bucuresti creart - Centrul de Creație Artă și Tradiție al Municipiului Bucuresti
italradio italradio
Institutul Confucius Institutul Confucius
BUCPRESS - știri din Cernăuți BUCPRESS - știri din Cernăuți


Euranet Plus Euranet Plus
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