Authorities in Romania are toughening entry requirements
The house of the diplomat Mircea Babeș, the son of the famous Romanian scientist and bacteriologist Victor Babeș, is now the Victor Babes Memorial House
Voina House is believed to be the oldest surviving private residence in Bucharest.
Romanians have elected new local officials, in special conditions designed to prevent the spreading of the new coronavirus.
Strict healthcare protection rules, including face covering, hand disinfection on entering and leaving the polling stations and physical distancing...
We begin with good news from handball. The Romanian women's side CSM has received a wildcard to participate in the next edition of the...
Click here for a roundup of domestic and international news
A new programme aimed at getting the young generation more involved in society issues
The National Opera House in Bucharest decided to post its performances online
This weekend matches counting for the 25th leg of Romanias top football league are scheduled, accounting for the last but one stage in this regular...
The City Hall replied to statements made by the Environment Minister regarding pollution in Bucharest
A look at some of the best performances obtained by the Romanian athletes in 2019
Located in the seismic region of Vrancea, Romanias capital city, Bucharest, stands good chances to be hit by two major earthquakes a century as it happened back in 1940 and 1977, when the city was devastated by two powerful earthquakes of 7.4 degrees on