The Romanian PM Viorica Dancila presented in Brussels the reforms initiated by the Romanian government in priority domains for Romania.
Brussels talks on project for M6 subway segment to link international airport, Washington supports the territorial integrity and political sovereignty of the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia
European Council meeting in Brussels, Code orange alert for flooding for 8 drainage basins in Romania
Romanian opposition parties tables censure motion against government, President Iohannis announces intention to run for a new term in office as president
A European report confirms the dual quality of EU food products
Bucharest Format meeting in Warsaw, High Court of Cassation and Justice to give verdict in the case of Liviu Dragnea
May 9th has threefold significance for Romanians
A roundup of the main stories in Romania this week
PM Dancila travels to Brussels, Tennis tournament in Doha
President Iohannis held talks in Brussels, The new Romanian government convened for first meeting, Donald Trump made State of the Union Address
On his first trip to Brussels after taking office, the Romanian Prime Minister Mihai Tudose had a busy agenda.
Bill to reform state wages goes to Senate floor; Committee investigates 2009 elections
The European Union might switch to a two-gear format soon.