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Romania’s president at the European Parliament

President Klaus Iohannis gave an address before the European Parliament, as part of its This is Europe series

Romania’s president at the European Parliament
Romania’s president at the European Parliament

, 08.02.2024, 14:00

Initiated in 2022, shortly after the Russian Federation started its war against Ukraine, the debate series „This Is Europe” has reached its 13th edition, in which the president of Romania Klaus Iohannis presented his views on the future of Europe and solutions to the problems it is facing before the European Parliament.

The European project requires attention, effort, patience and integrity on a daily basis, if we are to live free, in a united and thriving Europe, the Romanian official said in Strasbourg, adding that present-day Romania is a strong advocate of coordinated action in the spirit of European values.

„We have a responsibility to support a Europe that carries forward these principles and values, including towards our friends in the European neighbourhood that have chosen our democracy and development model. And a key stage in this process is the European elections. The priorities we will define together after these elections will have to help us give pragmatic responses to the challenges of the present and to prepare better for the challenges of the future,” president Iohannis believes.

The Romanian official also mentioned the unprecedented geostrategic challenges facing the Union. „The rules-based international order is being challenged over and over again. Russia pursues its aggression against Ukraine. Around the Union, instability and insecurity have reached alarming levels. The open conflict in the Middle East, the situation in the Red Sea, and the worrying developments in the Sahel, all these have a systemic impact on our own security,” Klaus Iohannis pointed out.

At the same time, he went on to say, „Climate change, economic difficulties, and illegal migration continue to generate their own negative impact, adding to the complexity of global dynamics. On top of all these challenges, we witness a crisis of values and, as far as I see it, a crisis of public trust in our institutions.”

The president of Romania emphasised the importance on EU action based on unity, solidarity, cohesion and the rule of law, and pleaded for continuing support for Ukraine, adding that defending democracy, territorial integrity and sovereignty, as well as the rules-based international order cannot be subject to any „solidarity fatigue”.

In his speech, president Iohannis said Romania was one of the best examples of the transforming power of the EU, which has provided undeniable and concrete benefits for Romanian citizens. „Enlarging our European family by accepting new members will only strengthen the Union,” he argued, and mentioned the historic decisions made at the European Council in December 2023 with respect to the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine, as well as Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Georgia.

The Romanian official also emphasised that the EU must remain a free movement area, and pleaded for Romanias full Schengen accession as soon as possible, thus allowing the country to make a concrete contribution to strengthening the security of the European bloc. (AMP)

(sursa foto:
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