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Promotion of Romanian tourism

Romania is present at the World Travel Market in London, an event that provides an important opportunity to promote the country as a tourist destination.

Promotion of Romanian tourism
Promotion of Romanian tourism

, 08.11.2023, 13:50

With the mission of attracting 10 million foreign tourists in the future, several dozen travel companies are promoting Romania these days at the tourism fair in London – World Travel Market, one of the most important events in the tourism industry worldwide. Romania’s presence is remarkable, exceeding the level of 2022. With a number of 40 co-exhibitors, of which 25 are travel agencies specializing in incoming, with a generous space and meeting tables, we are ready to promote and develop the Romanian tourism in front of a global audience. For the first time, we are also participating as tour operators, companies and not just as associations, employers associations or public authorities.

Romania has finally managed to resolve an incomprehensible limitation that has blocked our access to international events on our own for years, said Adrian Voican, the vice-president of the National Association of Travel Agencies – ANAT. According to ANAT, those who are not in London, as incoming tourism professionals, do not exist! No small or large country is missing from the event. The budgets are absolutely shocking. Romania needs a minimum of 30 million euros annually to matter in the ‘war’ of brands and to fulfill its mission of bringing 10 million foreign tourists in the future, Adrian Voican explained.

Held between November 6 and 8, the World Travel Market gathers this year 3,500 exhibitors from 184 countries, and the organizers have announced that during the 3 days of the event, 72 conference sessions and presentations on the most topical issues of world tourism will be held. According to ANAT, Romania’s participation in this fair underlines the importance of promoting Romanian tourism at global level – with an impressive list of exhibitors and a tight competition, we remember how small Romania is in the context of world tourism and how much work and how much money are involved in the industry that brings in 10% of the global Gross Domestic Product, with the 1.2 billion people who travel around the world. In this sense, ANAT firmly believes that Romania must no longer miss any major fair.

At the Romanian pavilion organized by the Ministry of Economy and Tourism, no detail was overlooked – the desks were designed to include all the essential elements for the best possible promotion of the destination, there will be tastings of Romanian wines, various networking meetings with tour operators and companies on various topics, and the eight films promoting Romania, made in collaboration with the British producer Charlie Ottley, will also be presented. In Romania as well, the biggest players in the tourism industry will present their best offers between November 9-12, during Romanias Tourism Fair 2023, the autumn edition. Dedicated both to families looking for all-inclusive or proximity holidays, and to travel enthusiasts who venture to more distant exotic destinations, the fair organized in Bucharest brings very advantageous offers and contributes to the consolidation of the tourism industry in Romania by promoting tourist attraction areas. (LS)

Foto: PIX1861 /
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