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German Unity Day

The 33rd Germany Unity Day has been celebrated in Bucharest

German Unity Day
German Unity Day

, 03.10.2023, 13:50

German Unity Day has been marked in Bucharest, an event of major importance both for Germans and for Europe, celebrating the complete reunification of this country on October 3, 1990, almost a year after the fall of the Berlin Wall. At the reception organized on the eve of the 33rd anniversary, the Romanian head of state, Klaus Iohannis, himself a member of the German minority in Romania, stated that the memory of the fall of the Berlin Wall showed that the European Union „is a project of peace”.

„Together, we must continue to act in order to protect and promote our values, as well as to project them in our neighborhood”, said the Romanian head of state. He also stated that now, more than ever, more unity is needed within the European Union, in order to successfully manage the many challenges, both inside the Union and outside it, where Russias brutal war of aggression against Ukraine is taking place, with its dire consequences. „Thanks to the series of historical events triggered by the fall of the Berlin Wall, we find ourselves together in Europe, Romanians and Germans, as friends and European partners, but also as allies in NATO,” Klaus Iohannis pointed out.

President Iohannis also has also stated that the economic relations between Romania and Germany are at the highest level in the last 20 years. He recalled the visits of high-ranking German officials this year and evoked the significant contribution to the development and modernization of the country, of the Romanian community in Germany and the ethnic German community in Romania, acting as a link between our societies and peoples. At the same time, Klaus Iohannis emphasized Germanys support for Romanias accession to the Schengen free movement area:

„A proverb that we have both in Romania and in Germany says that a friend in need is a friend indeed. The vocal and constant support of Germany in favor of Romanias accession to the Schengen area is eloquent in this sense. We hope to achieve this goal as soon as possible, both on the basis of our widely recognized performances, and as a confirmation of the fact that the Union is able to respond to the need for cohesion, resilience, solidarity and increased security”.

Attending the reception organized on the occasion of the Day of German Unity, Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu pointed out that „the value of Romanian-German relations is also amplified by the human bridge created by the Romanian community in Germany and the German community in Romania”. He mentioned that Germany is the most important commercial partner of Romania and the second investor in the countrys economy. Trade exchanges exceeded 40 billion euros last year, and more than 25,000 companies with German capital are registered in Romania, Marcel Ciolacu said. (MI)

Foto: PIX1861 /
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