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A new payment request within the National Recovery and Resilience Plan

Romania sends to the European Commission, for approval, the 3rd payment request under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.

A new payment request within the National Recovery and Resilience Plan
A new payment request within the National Recovery and Resilience Plan

, 18.12.2023, 13:50

On Friday, the Romanian government submitted to the European Commission the third payment request under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan – PNRR, which involves a net funding of 2.7 billion Euros. Out of this amount, more than 1.85 billion euros represent grants, and 811 million will come from loans. According to the Ministry of Investments and European Projects, the third payment request, as provided for in the adjusted plan, covers a total number of 74 targets related to 3rd quarter of 2022 and 4th quarter of 2022. Among the most relevant reforms and investments with a socio-economic impact are the adoption of the 2020-2030 national forestry strategy and the signing of contracts for 50% of the works related to the modernization and renewal of the railway infrastructure.

Also the PNRR includes the Law on Defense and Cyber ​​Security of Romania, as well as the legislative framework for reducing expenses for special pensions. On the other hand, 450,000 cash registers will be connected to the information system of the National Agency for Fiscal Administration. Other reforms and investments target the coming into force of the Single Industrial License law, the signing of contracts for the renewal of public transport vehicle fleets and the purchase of non-polluting vehicles. At the same time, amending the Criminal Code and the Code of Criminal Procedure and the coming into force of the legislation on social dialogue, which provides for social dialogue and significant and opportune collective negotiations, are two other reforms included in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. Last but not least, the coming into force of the law amending the Administrative Code and establishing administrative consortia in neighboring rural or predominantly rural administrative-territorial units, existing as functional rural areas, is included in this plan.

The Ministry of European Investments and Projects announced that the amounts related to the payment request no. 3 will be added to the 9.1 billion euros collected under the PNRR so far by Romania. The money represents pre-financing of 13% with a value of 3.79 billion euros, payment request number 1, with a value of 2.56 billion euros, and payment request number 2, with a value of 2.75 billion euros. The Ministry officials also pointed out that, once the payment procedure for the third request is completed, Romania will send the fourth one worth approximately 2.7 billion euros related to the fulfillment of 46 targets and milestones. The PNRR allocation is 28.5 billion euros. The money will be used to carry out 66 reforms and 111 investments. (LS)

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